2016 Volleyball Championship Program
MAAC Goodworks Challenge Standings MAAC Goodworks Challenge Standings
Marist College is the winner of the 2014-2015 MAAC Goodworks Challenge. The Red Foxes athletic administrators, student-athletes, coaches, and Student-Athlete Advisory Committee took part in 54 community service events and earned over 6,300 points this academic year. As a result of winning this year’s challenge, Marist College has received a $1,000 donation, which will be made to the Miles of Hope Breast Cancer Foundation. The Miles of Hope Breast Cancer Foun- dation was established to fund support services for people fighting breast cancer in the Hudson Valley. The Foundation was started by Dana Effron and Cathy Varunok, two community activists who saw a need for increased services for people with breast cancer. For years, Dana and Cathy raised money for national breast cancer organiza- tions but in 2004 they decided to focus their fundraising efforts on helping their friends and neighbors in the eight counties of the Hud- son Valley, New York. The Foundation’s Executive Director is Pari Forood. Under the MAAC Go d orks Program tructure, MAAC memb r schools who have completed community service projec s will be featured each month throughout he academic year. Monthly releases will be published and arc ived o MAACSports.com that highlight the volunt er efforts of MAAC schools during that month.
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