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JEN MORABITO - Canisius College
Hi everyone! My name is Jen Morabito and I am from Binghamton in upstate New York. This is
about 3 hours away from Canisius College in Buffalo, where I graduated with my BS in
Marketing. In the past four years at Canisius, I played on the Women’s Basketball Team and was
named one of our team captains my junior and senior years. During my time here, my teammates
and I participated in a number of volunteer activities with our campus ministry as well as
summer basketball camps. Recently, my involvement with the Youth Advantage Program in
Buffalo has given me the opportunit
y to inspire young people to play basketball. I’m excited to
be able to continue making a difference as I work with the youth in Ireland, while earning my
Masters in International Management at Trinity College in Dublin. While at Trinity I look
forward to continue playing the sport that has opened up many doors and has helped me meet
some of my greatest friends. I cannot wait to meet the other Victory Scholars and begin this